Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brett Favre and Preachers...

A lot of people make demonizing comments about Brett Favre. Many criticize him for being a media hound or loving the limelight. People often say that Favre just doesn't know when to walk away. I think I get it! I think that Favre has something on the inside that drives him. He has some sort of internal drive that tells him that he must be on that field on Sunday taking snaps and completing passes for touchdowns. For Favre it isn't about the money, the success or the limelight. For Favre it is about the moment.

I am not saying that Favre's internal drive is the same unique call that a preacher has, but I think there are some similarities that help understand his past decisions.

A man that has been called to preach doesn't do so for the money, the fame, the success or the limelight. He does so because there is a God given internal drive that tells him that his mission is to open the Bible, study it, and then share with other humans that are on a divine pilgrimage. He preaches to convey truth, lift up Jesus, and because He must! It isn't something he chose, but something that God chose for him. In Book of Jeremiah, God says that He knew Jeremiah before He formed Him in his mother's womb. And, God says he consecrated him a prophet unto the nations. This means that Jeremiah, just as preachers today, have a call upon their lives that is from God! In other words, men preach because God told them to!

So you can continue to be critical of Favre if you like. But, strive to understand that the preacher is preaching out of a compulsion from God.

I have no greater struggle in my life that the balance between ministry, mission, and preaching. I have been in full-time ministry for over 11 years. I have about 1/2 of this experience in the local church and 1/2 of it in chaplaincy. I enjoy serving as a chaplain and know I am making a difference in the lives of people. However, there is always a deep and frustrating struggle when I am not preaching every Sunday. People who don't have the unique call to preach simply say - you get to preach once a month you should be happy! But, those that have the unique call fully understand. It is more than an opportunity - it is a spiritual burden.

So, even though I think Favre has been a bit flippant I empathize with him. He desires to be the one taking the snap and throwing the winning pass. The preacher desires to stand behind the sacred desk, open the Bible, and preach truth to sinners and saints. He desires to proclaim truth into the darkness and see the power of the Holy Spirit change lives forever. He desires to see men and women mature in their faith. He desires nothing more than - to preach!

You're Fired!

I have often said that college football coaches and pastors have a lot in common. It is funny when a pastor or a college coach is talking to another potential employer they must sort of hide the fact they are doing so. Additionally, when things aren't going right in the program the trustees or boosters can decide the coach just isn't the right fit. When things appear to be going wrong in the church a "board" of deacons or a personnel committee simply decides that the pastor is the "wrong fit" for the setting or for a specific congregation. In fact, I read that 34% all pastors serve congregations that fired their previous pastor or actively forced his resignation. Sadly, 23% of all current pastors have experienced forced termination.

I am getting sick of hearing about pastors being fired! I believe that I now know about 9 individuals that have been terminated from their ministry positions.

I realize that every minister isn't perfect. Don't get me wrong there are reasons to terminate pastors. I see the teaching of heretical doctrine, and illegal and immoral actions as clear grounds for dismissal. But, bad people skills, bad preaching, and poor leadership skills doesn't constitute putting a minister in the street.

I believe churches have been wrongly led into believing that they are a business rather than a Kingdom Institution. Therefore, if we can just get the right business leader with all the right talents then we will be successful. If it were only that easy!

Therefore, a lot of good men have been forced out because they didn't fit the mold.

I understand there are bad matches. But, this epidemic must stop. These terminations are destroying families and ministries. I am not an advocate of blaming everything on the devil. But, I can clearly see how the devil uses these opportunities to shift the focus off the Gospel and on to gossip. For example, rather than going through the process of mediation, reconciliation or conflict management - a church (or a select group of members) elect to terminate. The church then must go through the process of healing and searching for a new leader. This entire process shifts the focus of the church away from the Gospel. I wonder if pastors and congregations were in a partnership together attempting to advance the gospel if there would be so many forced terminations?