Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nine Types of Difficult People

Difficult people are everywhere!  It seems impossible to escape difficult people.  I found the following list humorous and truthful.  I have met everyone of these probably have too.

Nine Types of Difficult People

1. The sherman tank will run right over you.

2. The star performer is entitled to your preferential treatment.

3. The megaphone will talk your ear off.

4. The bubble buster deflates everyone’s enthusiasm.

5. The volcano has temper like Mt. St. Helens.

6. The cry baby is a chronic complainer.

7. The nit picker is an unpleasable perfectionist.

8. The backbiter is a master of calculated rumor.

9. The space cadet is on a different wavelength.

Brooks Faulkner, Former Pastoral Ministry Specialist, at LifeWay Christian Resources, identifies nine types of difficult people and the usual effect they have on people in his book Getting on Top of Your Work: Manual for the 21st Century Minister.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Freedom...on its death bed?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Call me crazy...I still believe in the Constitution of the United States.  I believe in the Bill of Rights.  I am saddened at what is happening in America.  One important aspect of my "job" as a chaplain calls on me to protect religious freedoms.  In fact, I would argue that one of the primary functions of chaplains in my agency is to protect religious freedoms and to recognize strongly held religious beliefs.  

However, our nation has moved to not only diminishing this amendment of the Bill of Rights, but it seems to have abandoned it.  It appears that we have arrived at a moment in America when our nation is striving to be void of religious expression.  Evidence of this movement to become a nation that doesn't allow any religious expression as part of our societal landscape can be seen in a 9/11 ceremony that occurred in 2011.  

Prior to 9/11 pluralism was a buzzword in America.  However, I have sensed that post 9/11 many realized that pluralism was not an acceptable view.  Religious beliefs were radically different.  This propelled a movement to simply remove religious express from our culture as a personal expression of deeply held religious beliefs.  
I sense our nation will always protect the free exercise of religious as long as it occurs in the "church house" or our private homes.  After we depart either of those locations it seems we are suppose to dispose of our "strongly held religious beliefs."  

I don't hold to a worldview that is always proclaiming the sky is following, the country is falling apart at the seams or that the end of the world is near.  However, I will say we are on a very slippery slope when it comes to religious freedoms in America.  Americans should be free to speak against things that their interpretation of the Bible leads them to believe are sins.  This falls under the concept that their view of something as sin is a strongly held religious belief and they should have the freedom to exercise that aspect of their religious beliefs. 

We have reached a point where it seems Americans don't have the freedom to exercise their religious beliefs at schools, as military chaplains or even as business owners.  I found the recent court ruling that a photographer can't refuse to shoot gay ceremonies as a gross infringement upon the 2nd Amendment.

Religious expression is important.  The freedom of religious exercise is vital to our nation's foundation...yes, even religious expression we deem as incompatible with our own theological beliefs.  I fear we are steadily marching towards a moment where calling something...anything...sin..will be deemed as hate speech and punishable in a court of law.

Regardless of one's view on what is sin and what it is not...regardless of one's view of the Bible...our nation must remember that we were founded with an eye towards free speech and religious freedom.  It seems our right to religious freedom is dying one court decision at a time. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My thoughts on this 9/11

I was pastor of Newton Baptist Church in Newton, Alabama.  The morning of September 11, 2001 the church was having new carpet installed in the offices.  I remember Shana coming over to tell me that a plane had crashed into the into the World Trade Center.  I remember thinking that it was probably a small private plane that had some sort of difficulties.  I left church and walked next door to the pastorium to see the news.  I arrived to watch a second plane smash into the the other tower.  Clearly our nation was under attack.  The world seemed black...the next few days were a blur.  I remember some channel not broadcasting out of respect to the situation.

In the weeks ahead I determined that it was my duty to serve our nation in some capacity.  One year  later in 2002 I found myself reporting to Fort Sill, OK and shortly after that I found myself on a plane to an unknown land.  My short trip to Iraq seemed to change my life forever.  Operation Iraqi Freedom put many things into perspective for me, but it all seemed to occur in the shadow cast by that tragic day in September know simply as 9/11.   

I am sure that 9/11 changed many people.  Thousands lost their lives that infamous day and thousands more lost their lives in the ensuing war on terrorism.  It was a dark day in our country.  For a short period our nation seemed to bring forth a new sense of patriotism and cooperation.  However, just as an early spring can be shuttered by a cold snap our nation has returned to being divided.  I pray that on this day we simply pause and remember those that have sacrificed - the patriots that have provided for our freedom.  I pray today for the children that lost parents on 9/11...for the parents that lost children...for those that have died from various illnesses due to responding to the events...the fireman that ran in while most were running out...and the family that never got to say goodbye.

God Bless our Nation on this day that we remember...


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

War isn't all its cracked up to be...

Today is my father's birthday.  He is 71 years old today.  My father is my hero.  He served 2 tours in Vietnam as an attack helicopter pilot.  He retired in 1987 from the U. S. Army with 24 years of service.  I grew up idolizing my father's military experience.  I grew up thinking war was something that every man should experience as a measure of his defense for this nation.  My father never led me to believe that war was "cool."  In fact, he seldom spoke of his combat experience.  I just assumed based on books and movies that combat was something that proved how strong we were as a nation and how strong an individual was that could experience a combat situation.

I remembering being so excited with Bush 41 struck Iraq.  I was in junior high school and wondered if my chance to experience combat had been missed.   

Today we are on the brink of another conflict.  Will we launch a strike against Syria?  Is is justified?  Will a strike stem a killer's appetite to kill his people with chemical weapons?  All of these answers are for politicians, military strategists, and policy wonks to answer.

I know this - war isn't all its cracked up to be!  I deployed to Iraq in 2003 as a chaplain with the U. S. Army.  My experience is different that many.  I was in a combat zone, but a non-combatant.  I deployed with a field artillery battalion.  Combat of any kind isn't pretty.  Living conditions are difficult, family separation is unkind, and as I have often heard "the bad guy gets a vote."  I will confess my time in Iraq was short compared to many.  The conditions were harsh.  I found myself sleeping on the hood of my HUMVEE most nights.  I traveled as much I could in to Baghdad with my soldiers.  I led worship, baptized soldiers in the desert and counseled many lost souls.  I returned home to see marriages fall apart, soldiers experience PTSD, and even later hear of suicides from those I served with.  There is not a single day that passes in which I don't consider my experience. 

Upon my return I performed chilling death notifications and performed a funeral for a soldier that was killed as part of mass causality situation in Iraq. 

War isn't glamorous.  Objectives are hard to achieve.  Mission accomplishments may only be short-term.  Others beside myself will determine if we strike Syria.  I pray for their wisdom.  I pray they consider the hardship of war.  Today, VA has hundreds of thousands of claims behind in providing benefits to our nation's veterans.  Thousands have lost their lives, children have lost mothers and fathers, parents have lost sons and daughters - the cost of freedom is normally very expensive. 

War can be justified.  I am not a pacifist.  There are times that America must strike our enemies.  Even the Bush doctrine of preemptive war can be justified.  But, we must be cautious.  We must remember there are people behind those bombs.  To have "boots on the ground" you must have bodies in those boots.  Proceed with caution.  We have lost too many in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq without securing a measurable victory.  I fear conflict, although it appears it would be limited, will not render a measurable change in Syria.  I am saddened to see the bodies of those that appear to have been killed by chemical weapons.  The pictures of precious children that have died due to chemical weapons are heartbreaking.  I pray for their families, I pray for peace, and for a Syrian administration that will honor life and civil rights.  But, we simply can't serve as the world's policeman.

I share these thoughts with you for you to consider this...war isn't all it is cracked up to be.  The movies don't do it justice.

Pray for our President, Pray for Congress, Pray for our military and Pray for peace in Syria.