Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My thoughts on this 9/11

I was pastor of Newton Baptist Church in Newton, Alabama.  The morning of September 11, 2001 the church was having new carpet installed in the offices.  I remember Shana coming over to tell me that a plane had crashed into the into the World Trade Center.  I remember thinking that it was probably a small private plane that had some sort of difficulties.  I left church and walked next door to the pastorium to see the news.  I arrived to watch a second plane smash into the the other tower.  Clearly our nation was under attack.  The world seemed black...the next few days were a blur.  I remember some channel not broadcasting out of respect to the situation.

In the weeks ahead I determined that it was my duty to serve our nation in some capacity.  One year  later in 2002 I found myself reporting to Fort Sill, OK and shortly after that I found myself on a plane to an unknown land.  My short trip to Iraq seemed to change my life forever.  Operation Iraqi Freedom put many things into perspective for me, but it all seemed to occur in the shadow cast by that tragic day in September know simply as 9/11.   

I am sure that 9/11 changed many people.  Thousands lost their lives that infamous day and thousands more lost their lives in the ensuing war on terrorism.  It was a dark day in our country.  For a short period our nation seemed to bring forth a new sense of patriotism and cooperation.  However, just as an early spring can be shuttered by a cold snap our nation has returned to being divided.  I pray that on this day we simply pause and remember those that have sacrificed - the patriots that have provided for our freedom.  I pray today for the children that lost parents on 9/11...for the parents that lost children...for those that have died from various illnesses due to responding to the events...the fireman that ran in while most were running out...and the family that never got to say goodbye.

God Bless our Nation on this day that we remember...


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