Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why Christmas?

I really enjoy the Christmas season.  I know there are tons of folks running around purchasing items that will ultimately find their way to the thrift stores. But, Christmas is pleasant because families gather for food, fun, worship, and fellowship.  It really seems that Christmas is the most peaceful time of the year.  Wars cease, feuds pause, and joy entertains our hearts!

I think that I equate Christmas with peace because I understand that Jesus, who was born of a virgin, would eventually turn His face towards the cross. And, I understand that the cross brought peace to my heart and the hearts of those that would repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ.  Why Christmas?  Because God determined to redeem sinners through His Son.  There was a Christmas because there was lostness.  There was a Christmas so that there could be an Easter. 

So, who's holiday is it? Christmas is really for the believer to recognize the fact that Jesus exchanged His glory to walk among us. He briefly exchanged His position at the right hand of the Father for the loneliness of the virgin's womb. He exchanged glory for flesh. All of this occurred to ensure there was a sinless sacrifice. It is often said that Christmas is for the kids.  Christmas is not about the kids, but instead is for the world that was in deep need of a Savior to atone for its sins.

So, when you get upset because Target or Wal-Mart has a holiday sale instead of Christmas sale do not be bothered. It is expected that the world would attempt to remove Christ from Christmas because if not the Christmas story will lead to the necessity of the Easter story.  Eventually someone would ask why did Christ come?  What did Christ do?  Where is Christ buried?  And, the scandal of Christmas would be revealed...the baby grew into a man, died, and rose again!

I am not really offended if someone says, "happy holidays." It seems hard to force persons that do not understand the importance of the holiday to recognize the person of the holiday. For years I have said, there are plenty that worship the crib of Christ through consumerism, but fail to understand the same Christ endured the Cross for their sins. 

It is the believer's responsibility to worship and honor Christ this season. The lost world will act as led by their depraved and fallen nature. This is an opportunity to share the wonderful story of Christ with the world during this sensitive time. Honor Christ in your heart and home this peaceful season.

Merry Christmas!

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