Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crossroads or stop signs...

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the past. Shana can tell you this is normally not a healthy thing for me. But, I think I have a much healthier perspective about the past than I use to have. Often in my life I have said I was approaching a crossroads. Crossroads are like Y's. There are several choices that include sitting there and doing nothing, pick a direction, and going backwards. We often use the idea of crossroads because it seems so "cataclysmic." It seems so pivotal to say, I am at a crossroads. Or, this church or that church is approaching a crossroads or critical moment. I guess it just sounds good.

I know I have been through some crossroads. I have been through a few decision moments and I knew that whatever I decided was going to change my life forever. I am understanding what a crossroads in your life really looks like!

But, the point of my writing is to let you know that the decision that is just beyond the horizon isn't always a crossroads. As we approach them we know that a decision is very near. We think they are crossroads. However, after we have passed through the moment and are on the journey again we realize that the decision point we were at was more like a stop sign than a crossroads.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

The point is very simple: we are on a journey! This journey is with the Father, Son and Spirit. Many decisions are going to be crucial. But, approach them with God's help and with a prayer for wisdom and guidance. God already knows the plans He has for you and I. Our concentration must be on seeking the will of God in each situation. It doesn't matter if it is a crossroads, a Y, a stop sign, or yield sign. Follow Jesus and know that God's plans for you are good because they are from Him. He is perfect!

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