Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 1

Well, I figured it was time to start sharing my thoughts. I don't have that much to share that hasn't already been thought or said. But, I bring a passionate heart to the table. I plan on sharing my thoughts on church life, ministry, theology, my family and politics. I will throw in prayer requests and church news every now and then.

So - here goes!

Where are our hearts? Where is our passion?

I am consumed with the idea of revitalization of the local church. Some are fixated on church planting and I see that as a rich and important endeavor. But, I am concerned what will happen to the local church in the next 20 years. Too many of our churches have be come "country clubs with crosses" rather than Gospel outposts. If we are ambassadors for Christ, then our churches should be embassies in foreign lands. We must understand we are "aliens" in this land and that our mission is to live as a "missionary" to our culture. We aren't to become engrossed in our culture, but we must remain in constant contact with our culture so we can be relevant and ready!

The local church is in trouble. Things are changing! We must solidify our values/mission/purpose and formulate a God given strategy to revitalize the local church. I am all for the GCR! But, I am deeply concerned about the person in the pew that sees no vision, has no purpose, and can't comprehend Kingdom purposes and principles. The local church is important! Christ is the head and it is the only biblical institution that exists. We must be serious about pouring our plans, energies, efforts, and lives into seeing the church in America become alive and fulfill its biblical purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Not only should our concern be for the ones in the pew with no vision, but for the one's that are not in the pew! Too often we try to figure out what we as a church can do to get people into the church so that they can "come and see". Once our passion turns to "go and tell", and the local church understands this as one of their main purposes of existing, then I believe the local church will once again be fulfilling the purpose of what it was established for in the first place. Once this happens, and the Spirit begins working in lives, then the church will no longer be in trouble!
