Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sometimes the Moment Matters!

Today, I accompanied my father to the doctor to get the results from his recent scan. Basically we were going to find out if the cancer had spread or if the tumors had shrunk. We received good news. The tumor on his spine remained the same size. But, the tumor in his windpipe actually shrunk a bit. Praise God!

In 4 months he will have another scan and see the doctor.

On the way home I had an amazing thought impressed upon my heart. "We only have today!" I am always thinking about the future and planning for tomorrow. In a blink of an eye, our world can go from what is happening in a couple of months -t0- God, thank you for today!

I realize that my father's life is in God's hand. He is the author of life and He, and only He, will take life away. But, in a moment I was reminded that life is about the moment. Someone (Anne Cline) reminded me that we should be thankful for the manna. She also questioned why the concept of manna - God's daily provisions - is so hard for God's children to grasp.

Therefore, your life and this moment is in God's hands. His will is perfect. He will execute his plan for history.

I am grateful that I have some additional time with my father. I pray that God continues to allow him to have quantity and quality of life. He is my earthly hero. He has been a great father, provider and role model. Please continue to pray for his health. And, pray that I continue to remember the miracle of the moment and not worry about the time line for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post, Kris! I too seem to always be looking and planning ahead, not taking time to enjoy each and every moment God blesses us with. Thus, my favorite quote is, "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!" We have to be aware of these moments or they will quickly pass us by.
    Love and prayers,
