Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Push out into the deep

Luke 5:4 has always been a verse that the Holy Spirit has used to nudge me to considering things that are outside of my comfort zone. I still remember the first time I read this verse and was consumed with the idea of "pushing out into the deep-waters." I understand the passage is about pushing out into the deep and catching fish. Jesus shows soon to be disciples the harvest He can bring in the natural world as an example of the harvest He can bring to them serving as "fishers of men."

One of the principles found in this passage is that we must be willing to be followers that will push out into the deep while expecting God's rich blessings. Too often, we toil in very close proximity to the bank. However, God is calling us to go deep in various ways.

"Push Out Into the Deep"

That is what I have challenged FBCE to do this coming church year. But, I realize that many read this that aren't associated with FBCE. Therefore, I challenge you as well - Push Out Into the Deep.

Push out in your intake of God's Word, push out in your giving, push out in your going, push out in prayer life, and push out in your faith. I am convinced that God wants to bring renewal to His people and His church. If we are willing to "push out into the deep" God will bring a tremendous blessing. If you read the passage you will see that their nets were full of fish. In fact, they had to call in reinforcements to harvest all the fish that day! There were so many fish that the boats began to sink.

This rich harvest was only possible because these men followed the words of Jesus. He told them to let down their nets. First, they explained to Jesus that they had been fishing all night long. Sounds like us - try to explain to God things He already knows. Simon finally responds by saying, "but at your words, I'll let down the nets." When called to push out into deep-waters our responses must not include excuses. Instead our responses must be: Jesus, at your command we follow.

If you are willing to get out in the deep waters with God - He will meet you in a spectacular way! You want renewal, you want revival - push out into the deep!

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning this. Today I went to church for the second time in a row. I'm trying to push out my nets, stepping outside my comfort box. It's good. I don't know what else to say except that it's exciting now. Not just going to church, but today three of us shut the church down after service sitting in the chapel talking about how we experience God in our life. Three friends who had never talked about it before, who have gone to church together (off and on) for a few years. And we've never talked about it before. It was really great.

    The night before, after watching the UF game, one of the same friends and I sat and talked about God in our life. I spent two days last week talking to a non-believer about God.

    I guess when you're open, God will fill your net. I've kept my net closed for so long.

    Great post!
