Monday, February 14, 2011

Watching the Space Shuttle Launch!

There are several things on my "bucket list." I would like to drive the Mississippi Delta from Yazoo City to Memphis. I should have done this when we lived in MS. I would like to swim in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the same day!

I have always wanted to see the space shuttle launch in person. Since NASA is discontinuing the program this might have to get scratched from my list.

I know everyone has seen the shuttle launch on television. It is a breath taking image. I have wondered if it is that powerful on television, what would it be like in person?

I think somethings are only experienced in person. Imagine if Moses would have experienced a burning bush on television, on his laptop, or his phone. There are somethings that God intends to be experienced in person. I would like to remind you that God will orchestrate amazing events to put you in the right place at the right time to experience what He has planned. We sometimes look at the events in our lives and scratch our heads wondering exactly what God has planned - and then - it all begins to make sense. We have that moment where the shuttle launches before us and we begin to understand why we are in the providential space we are in! The fact is we could have watched the events God had planned from afar and would have missed the beautiful details. Many things simply have to be experienced firsthand. Some episodes of our lives aren't intended to be DVR'd, but to be watched live and in person. I am thankful that God placed me in a position to watch this "shuttle launch" in my life!

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