Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Don't Vote...Don't Complain.

I consider myself a student of public policy.  In fact, last year I earned a Master of Public Administration degree.  This degree included courses on public policy and its analysis.  I understand the importance of an election.  This post is designed to remind Christians that elections matter tremendously for several reasons.  First, elections matter because those elected are responsible for instituting their policies through legislation and executive orders. Second, elected officials are responsible for guiding departments (Dept. of Justice, Defense, VA, Transportation, Homeland Security, State, Energy and others) in how to interpret and regulate policies. This is how one administration can regulate the same policy in two different manners. The same law is on the books. The interpretation of that law differs based upon guidance from the administration. Third, elected officials are responsible for the nomination of judges. Too often we are not pleased with the rulings of many judges. The judges were placed on the bench by those we elected. 
Therefore, if you are going to be a person that complains about the policies of our nation then you must be a person that is concerned about elections. If you don't vote and don't care to stay informed then please refrain from complaining about Supreme Court rulings, same sex marriages, homosexuals in the military, the funding of Planned Parenthood, Government Healthcare or bloated entitlements.

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