Friday, May 24, 2013

The Fallen

Memorial Day - 2013

Memorial Day for many is the inauguration of summer.  It normally assures us that school is finished for the year and summer is beginning.  It is marked by mattress sales, cookouts, and

But, Memorial Day has such a deeper meaning. Here you will find the history of Memorial Day-

History is about the legacy of heroic men and women that have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of this country.  As a former Army Chaplain I am extremely sensitive to this holiday.  I have performed military funerals, death notifications for those killed in Iraq and met with family members of a friendly fire incident.

This Memorial Day our nation may focus on those that have perished in recent conflicts, but the wounds are still raw for families that have lost loved ones in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.

Our nation is grateful for those that have given all.  However, our gratitude will never fill the void for those family members that lost fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, daughters, and sons.  The country moves on past these deaths, but the families are haunted daily be these absences.

My desire isn't that you sit around in a somber trance this Memorial Day.  My desire is to remind you to never forget the sacrifice that has been paid.  Enjoy the day, spend time with family, but remember the express reason we have a holiday of this nature.

Here is a way you can honor the fallen.

I will go silent for:
Peter Marshall
Steven Conover

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